Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
13) Flash ActionScript
14) Flex
15) Java
16) Java Book
17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
19) JavaScript DHTML
20) JavaScript Reference
21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
27) MySQL
28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
31) Perl
32) Php
33) PostgreSQL
34) Python
35) Python Tutorial
36) Ruby
37) Silverlight
38) VB.Net
39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
42) VisualBasic Script
43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
VB.Net Tutorial
1) 2D Graphics
2) Attributes
3) Class Module
4) Collections
5) Data Type
6) Database ADO Net
7) Date Time
8) Design Patterns
9) Development
10) Event
11) Generics
12) GUI
13) GUI Applications
14) Internationlization
15) Language Basics
16) LINQ
17) Operator
18) Reflection
19) Regular Expressions
20) Security
21) Socket Network
22) Statements
23) Stream File
24) Thread
25) Windows
26) WPF
27) XML
Class Module
1) Argument Order
2) Array of Structure
3) Assign function return value to variables
4) Assign string value to an Object variable
5) By value or by reference
6) Calculates the power of a value, defaults to square
7) Call base method
8) Call constroctor from base class
9) Call constructor from MustInherit Class
10) Call function as a statement
11) Call member method in constructor
12) Call method with MyBase
13) Call Shared method
14) Change value in Property getter
15) Circle class that inherits from class Point
16) Class declaration with a method that has a parameter
17) Class implicitly Inherits Object
18) Class inheritance and polymorphism
19) Class Serialization
20) Class that contains instance variable and a property to get and set its value
21) Class Vs Structure in ByValue and ByRef
22) Class with a constructor to initialize its member field value
23) Class with a property that performs validation
24) Class with constructor
25) Class with Private fields and Public method
26) Comparison method based on delegate
27) Constructor Chain
28) Constructor inheriting
29) Constructor with Optional parameter
30) Constructors in three levels
31) Convert data type in property set
32) Copy constructor
33) Create an object and call its method
34) Default constructor
35) Default Formatting Using the ToString Method
36) Default Property
37) Define a class with one property and retrieves the name and type of the property
38) Define a delegate to be a pointer to a subroutine that has a string parameter
39) Define a sub routine and call it
40) Define and use a Property
41) Define and use Structure
42) Define and use structure with modifier
43) Define class
44) Define delegate
45) Define function and call it in a Module
46) Define function in a Module
47) Define Indexer for your own class
48) Define Integer constant
49) Define member methods
50) Define Structure
51) Define your own Time Class
52) Delegate Function
53) Demonstrate an object with member object reference
54) Demonstrate polymorphism in Point-Circle-Cylinder hierarchy
55) Demonstrates Const and ReadOnly members
56) Demonstrates Me reference
57) Demonstrates passing by reference
58) Demonstrating Fibonacci sequence recursively
59) Derived Class and Overrides
60) Destructor in three levels
61) Difference between reference types and value types
62) Do calculation in Property getter
63) Do data check in property set
64) Downcast
65) Empty constructor
66) Equals method can be overridden by a derived value type
67) Field initialization
68) Finds the maximum of three numbers input
69) Friend members are available to any object in the same assembly (Friend is referred to as internal in C#)
70) Friend Property
71) Function procedure to square a number
72) Function with string return
73) Functions with different parameter number
74) Hiding a member
75) Implement an interface
76) Implement Interface
77) Implements two interfaces and WriteOnly Property
78) Inherit constant from base class
79) Inherit destructor
80) Inherit ToString method from Object
81) Inheritance And Interfaces
82) Inheritance and overloads
83) Inheritance and polymorphism
84) Inherited MustInherit
85) Inheriting Constructors
86) Inherits must be first line There can be only one
87) Interface Inherits Interface
88) Interface with Property
89) Interface with two methods
90) Late binding
91) Loop through two dimensional array with GetUpperBound and GetLowerBound
92) Math delegation
93) Method Overloads with different number of parameters
94) Method with parameter
95) MultiKey Properties
96) Multilevel inheritance
97) Multiple Delegates
98) MustInherit class
99) MustOverride method
100) MustOverrides MustInherit
101) NotOverridable
102) Object lifetime
103) One Class implements two interfaces
104) One class implements two interfaces 1
105) Optional parameters
106) Overloaded constructors
107) Overloaded Properties
108) Overloads function
109) Override ToString method
110) Overrides and Shadows methods from base class
111) Overrides equals
112) Overrides Overridable methods
113) Overrides ToString
114) Overriding the Equals Method
115) Overriding the ToString Method
116) ParamArray Parameter (Variable Args)
117) Pass class by reference
118) Pass Decimal by reference
119) Pass Double to a function
120) Pass Integer by value to a function
121) Pass Single by value and by reference to a function
122) Pass value by reference
123) Person with FirstName and LastName Property
124) Polymorphic
125) Polymorphic Behaviour
126) Private class fields
127) Private Constructor
128) Private members are only available to members of this class
129) Properties with Getter and Setter
130) Protected base constructor
131) Protected friend members are available to any object that is in the same assemby or inherits from this class, or both
132) Protected friend members are available to any object that is in the same assemby or inherits from this class, or both (1)
133) Protected Members
134) Protected members are available to objects inheriting from this class
135) Public Const
136) Public Field
137) Public members are available to anything that can instantiate this type
138) Public Sub aMethod() Implements Interface1 Method, Interface2 Method
139) Put code in a Module
140) RandomAccess file for storing the custom objects
141) Read Record (Structure) from binary file
142) Readable and Writable
143) ReadOnly property
144) Recursively generates factorial of number
145) Reference a method that has one parameter and returns a value
146) Reference Equality
147) Reference variable in a Module
148) Reimplement interface
149) Return double type value from Function
150) Return string type value from function
151) Save Structure to a binary file
152) Searchable Indexer
153) Shadow fields
154) Shadow member variable in base class
155) Shadows member function from base class
156) Shadows method in base class
157) Shadows Override
158) Shared Constructor
159) Shared field
160) Shared field (1)
161) Shared Properties
162) Shared variable and Shared Property
163) Simple Inheritance
164) Single Indexed Property
165) Sort objects in an array
166) Structure
167) Structure and Class assignment
168) Structure implements interface
169) Sub procedure that prints payment information
170) Test Shadows
171) The ToString Method and Format Strings
172) Throw Exception in Property setting
173) ToString method overrides
174) Two classes implement one interface
175) Two properties
176) Use AddressOf to assign function to a delegate
177) Use Const to define constant
178) Use Delegate Sub
179) Use For Each for Class Hierarchy
180) Use function in If statement
181) Use Me to reference myself
182) Use MustInherit to define abstract class
183) Use MyBase to reference base class
184) Use MyClass
185) Use named parameters
186) Use one Delegate to reference two different functions
187) Use Private Shadows to hide member
188) Use Property to set private data
189) Use Structure as Function parameter
190) Use With and Structure
191) Uses delegates to sort random numbers (ascending or descending)
192) Using overloaded methods
193) Using overloaded methods to print arrays of different types
194) Using ParamArray to create variable-length parameter lists
195) Using the Equals Method to Compare Instance Variables
196) Varied length Method parameter